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News & PR
Annual Nephrology 2018, Singapore

Annual Nephrology 2018, Singapore

PULSUS Group proudly presents “Annual Nephrology 2018” which is scheduled on September 12-13, 2018 at Singapore.
The conference will be organised around the theme “A Technical Hunt on Innovations to Foster Nephrology”.

Annual Conference, Healthcare Conference, Healthcare Professionals, Medical Conference, Nephrologists, Nephrology 2018, Nephrology Conference, Pediatrics, PULSUS Conferences, PULSUS Group, Veteran Researchers

The event is a blend which covers professionals such as Nephrologists, Pediatrics, Veteran Researchers, Healthcare Professionals from Academia and Industry making the Annual Nephrology 2018 conference a perfect platform.
Annual Nephrology 2018 has been designed in an interdisciplinary manner with a multitude of tracks to choose from every segment in Nephrology which provides you with a unique opportunity to meet up with peers from both industry and academia and establish a scientific network between them. We cordially invite all concerned people to come join us at our event and make it successful by your participation.

For any further information kindly download
Annual Nephrology 2018 Conference Brochure

Emails for Correspondence:

Event Media Partner: AspKom Eixil, Brand Promotion and Consulting Company India

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