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Google Algorithm Updates and Effect on Your Search Results

Google is always testing and tweaking the search results we see when we perform a Google search and no two people will see the same search results page. The search results pages are heavily influenced by whether you are logged into Google, where you are and how much Google has personalized your particular search results page based on your previous activity on their services.

In May and June 2013 there were a number of large and small scale Google algorithm updates:

Phantom Update – Around the 9th to 15th May 2013: Around these dates there were a lot of reports from site owners and agencies that they had seen a significant drop in traffic to their sites and a drop in their search rankings. Google did not confirm any updates around these dates, but none the less something happened!

Domain Crowding – 21st May 2013 (estimated): Google confirmed that they released a minor algorithm update which addressed the problem of too many results from the same website appearing in the search results on pages 2 and below. They were seeking to address this by limiting the results from the same domains and diversifying the results.

Penguin 2.0 – 22nd May 2013 – The big one: This update is specifically designed to eliminate what Google calls web spam. These are websites that Google thinks are violating its quality guidelines in order to rank highly. There have been a number of these Penguin updates since the 24th April 2012. These updates are mainly known for targeting websites which have “unnatural” back-links (the websites that link back to your website). Basically are these links normal or are they paid for, spam links. If Google thinks they are not normal, you could well be hit by a Penguin update!

Payday Loan – 11th June 2013 (onwards): This was a Google announced update that sought to address websites within industries, like payday loans, which are well known for trying to manipulate the search results with various nefarious tactics.

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